February 22, 2025

Faculty Positions at Indian Institute of Forest Management


(An autonomous Institute of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India)

Post Box No. 357, Nehru Nagar, BHOPAL-462003.

Indian Institute of Forest Management is a premier national level Institute engaged in education, training, research and consultancy in the area of natural resource management.  The Institute invites applications from Indian Forest Service (IFS) Officers for filling up the following positions: –

Sl. Name of Post Pay Scale No. of Posts Mode of Recruitment
1. Faculty Positions at the level of:

Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor

PB-3: Rs 15600-39100+GP Rs 7600

PB-4: Rs 37400-67000+ GP Rs 8900

PB-4 Rs 37400-67000 + GP Rs 10000

03 Posts On deputation


Qualifications, Experience and other requirements:

  1. Faculty positions (03 Posts) on deputation basis at the level of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor in the faculty areas of (i) Technical Forestry and Information Technology & Quantitative Techniques from outstanding Indian Forest Service(IFS) Officers with strong academic background and expertise in the respective areas.


  • Desirable qualification: Outstanding officers who have earned reputation for field innovations, extensive field experience and Ph.D. degree.  The person who has made significant contributions to knowledge demonstrated by academic publications but not having Ph.D. degree may also be considered.


  • Appointment of IFS officers on deputation to IIFM in the Pay Band: PB-3, Rs.15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 7600/- pm (corresponding to Deputy Conservator of Forests).


Eligibility: The IFS officers, who have completed 9 years of service, shall be eligible for appointment as Assistant Professor


  • Appointment of IFS officers on deputation to IIFM in the Pay Band: PB-4, Rs.37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.8900/- pm (corresponding to Conservator of Forests).


Eligibility: The IFS officers, who have completed 14 years of service, shall be eligible for appointment as Associate Professor


  • Appointment of IFS officers on deputation to IIFM in the Pay Band: PB-4, Rs.37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- pm (Corresponding to Chief Conservator of Forests)


Eligibility: The IFS officers, who have completed 18 years of service, shall be eligible for appointment as Professor.


  • Deputation tenure: The tenure shall ordinarily be for five years but liable to be curtailed at an earlier date or extendable at the discretion of the competent authority.


  • Age limit: Maximum age limit for all the above positions shall be 55 years.
  • The cut-off date for determining the age and experience will be the last date of receipt of applications in the Institute.


Based on the number and quality of applications received, the Institute may short-list the candidates for the appropriate faculty positions based on the qualifications and experience of the candidates.


The Institute reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up any or all the posts or to shortlist and select the candidates in any suitable position against the above posts.  Mere fulfilling of the minimum qualifications and/or experience will not confer any right to the candidates for being called for interview or/and for his/her selection.


Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility conditions may submit their applications in the prescribed format, which can be downloaded from the website www.iifm.ac.in, through proper channel along with (a) attested copies of certificates, (b) certified copies of APARs/ACRs of preceding five years and (c) Vigilance Clearance certificates to the Director, Indian Institute of Forest Management, P B No.357, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal-462003.


The last date for submission of applications is 24th March, 2017. Applications received after the last date or not submitted in the prescribed format along with the desired documents and/or through proper channel shall not be considered.  Those who have applied in response to previous advertisement need not apply again.

For official advertisement and other details visit: http://iifm.ac.in/faculty-positions/